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Aletai meteorite pendant

Material used to fix the meteorite to the jewel: stainless steel
iron meteorite / IIIE-an
Locality: Xinjiang, China
Weight: 7,2g
Dimensions: 3,4 x 1,8 x 0,2 cm
Surface treatment: filled with resin
Note: Chain not included
Beautiful drawing with the so-called Widmanstätten patterns
Extra quality!

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Code: P/M030
$47,92 $39,60 excl. VAT
Category: Meteorite pendants
Photoroom 000 20250311 145706
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The Aletai meteorite belongs to Group IIIE, a specific type of iron meteorite. This classification refers to meteorites that have a certain chemical composition and crystallographic structure. Meteorites in this group tend to have an octahedral structure, which means that when cut and polished they reveal specific patterns called Widmanstätten patterns. IIIE meteorites, such as Aletai, are characterized by the presence of kamacite (low-nickel iron) and taenite (high-nickel iron) bands that form an octahedral pattern.

Aletai is exceptional because it has the highest gold concentration in Group IIIE and a significantly higher concentration of iridium compared to other meteorites in this group. Since the amount of iridium in meteorites is much higher than in the Earth's crust, it was the unusually high amount of iridium found at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary 65 million years ago that formed the basis of the theory that a massive meteorite impact may have been responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs.

It was discovered in 1898 in the Xinjiang region of China and the total mass found is estimated to be around 100 tonnes, with the largest single fragment weighing 28 tonnes, making it the fifth largest meteorite on Earth. Thefield of impact was very large, extending up to 500 kilometres, which initially led to inaccuracies in the identification of individual fragments and the use of different names for different specimens, such as Armanty, Ulasitai and others. After chemical and petrographic analyses were carried out, it was found that all the fragments found were from the same event and had the same composition. They now bear the single name Aletai, while the other names have been dropped and have become synonyms for Aletai.

Interestingly, if we change the angle of illumination, the reflectivity of the meteorite's two main alloys changes and the sample becomes shimmering. This effect is common in meteorites with octahedral crystal structures, but Aletai is particularly impressive because of the mirror-like lustrous inclusions of the mineral schreibersite. Schreibersite is thought to be the primary source of phosphorus, which was transported to Earth by meteorites and may have played a key role in the origin of life. It is a rare mineral that consists of iron phosphide and nickel. Yet it is commonly present in iron meteorites. Its coloration ranges from bronze to brassy yellow to silvery white.

Schreibersite is named after the Austrian scientist Carl Franz Anton Ritter von Schreibers, who was one of the first to identify this mineral in iron meteorites. This rare mineral, consisting of iron phosphide and nickel, has been discovered in various meteorites around the world, including the Magura meteorite in Arva (now Orava), Slovakia, the Sikhote-Alin meteorite in eastern Russia, the São Julião de Moreira meteorite in Viana do Castelo, Portugal, the Gebel Kamil meteorite in Egypt, and many other meteorites, including those originating from the Moon.

RS Avatar of author Romana Sovova | 22/03/2025
Celý život jsem si přála mít opál až jsem objevila Vás. Mam ho na přívěsku a jsem neskonale šťastná strašně moc děkuji za to ze jste 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
VX Avatar of author Violeta Xenaki | 12/03/2025
L Avatar of author Laura | 21/02/2025
Very nice. Fast shipping, a well-packed package accompanied by a gift. I recommend to others.
V Avatar of author | 08/02/2025
Spokojenost, vybral Jsem si malý vzorek wulfenitu který je vkusně umýstěn na odpovídajícím podstavci což bylo milé překvapení. Po vybalení mohl být okamžitě vystaven.
J Avatar of author Jakub | 07/02/2025
Moc krásné dubnické opály. Děkuji a doporučuji!
L Avatar of author Leonard | 07/02/2025
Excellent service. A fine piece very well prepared and presented. Glad to be able to use PayPal. It was well packed and arrived in reasonable amount of time. Glad to accept lower shipping cost rather than free gift. Thank you!
JH Avatar of author Josef Horáček | 30/01/2025
Z Avatar of author Zdeněk | 24/01/2025
Velmi spokojen ✨✨✨.
MC Avatar of author Miroslav Cagáň | 23/01/2025
Vždy na více než 100%
PP Avatar of author Petya Petrova | 10/01/2025
Dankeschön für die schöne hochwertige Produkte! Über das Geschenk habe ich mich sehr gefreut. Ich bin zufrieden! DANKE!
B Avatar of author Bridget | 20/12/2024
Superschneller Versand. Über das Geschenk habe ich mich sehr gefreut.
SS Avatar of author Susanne Scholten | 18/12/2024
Super schneller Versand, schöne hochwertige Produkte
GJ Avatar of author Gilbert Javaux | 17/12/2024
Transaction completed with ease. Fast and well protected shipping. It's perfect. Thank you very much.
CB Avatar of author Charles Bediako | 17/12/2024
I am very happy with my order and the the gift, delivery and everything was fast thank you .I highly recommend you
J Avatar of author Jana H | 13/12/2024
Velmi rychlé zaslání i před Vánoci. Skvěle nafocené minerály, které jsme si vybrali. Perfektní popis jednotlivých minerálů podle skutečnosti. Skvěle zabaleno.
NG Avatar of author Nicolae Graci | 03/12/2024
Sehr zufrieden ! 5 Sterne
GJ Avatar of author Gilbert Javaux | 03/12/2024
Perfect transaction. Very fast shipment, with high quality packaging. Highly recommended seller. Thanks a lot.
RW Avatar of author Ruth Wolf | 27/11/2024
Ich bin begeistert und werde sicher noch öfter hier einkaufen!👍
JB Avatar of author Josef Bouška | 22/11/2024
Naprostá spokojenost. Díky za rychlé dodání a taky za dárek :)
P Avatar of author Pavol K. | 22/11/2024
Super nákup - dobrá cena, rýchle dodanie. Spokojnosť.
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