Meteorite Grapevine Mesa – Arizona, USA
Type: stony meteorite / carbonaceous chondrite CBa
Locality: Arizona, USA
Weight: 0,15g
Dimensions: 5 x 4 x 3 mm
Year found: 2021
Total known weight: 550 g
Surface treatment: none – raw
Packaging: Transparent plastic box (5,8 x 3,8 x 1,6 cm)
Category: | Grapevine Mesa |
By name: | Grapevine Mesa |
? Type: | Stony |
Subspecies: | Chondrite |
? Surface treatment: | Natural (raw) |
Packaging: | In box |
The Grapevine Mesa meteorite was discovered in February 2021 near Meadview, Arizona, USA, using metal detectors. The total mass of the fragments found was approximately 550 grams. This meteorite is classified as a carbonaceous chondrite of the CBa group, a rare type of metal-rich meteorite. Its surface is rusty with preserved remnants of fusion crust. In section, it shows rounded to angular silicate inclusions accompanied by rounded to anhedral metal grains, reminiscent of the Bencubbin meteorite.