Meteorite Tarda – Morocco

Type: stony meteorite / carbonaceous chondrite C2 - ungrouped
Weight: 0,12g
Dimensions: 6 x 5 x 3 mm
Year fell: 2020
Total known weight: 4 kg
Surface treatment: none – raw
Packaging: Transparent plastic box (5,8 x 3,8 x 1,6 cm)

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Code: METD02
$127,08 $105,02 excl. VAT
Category: Tarda
By name: Tarda
? Type: Stony
Subspecies: Chondrite
? Surface treatment: Natural (raw)
Packaging: In box
Specialties: Observed fall
Meteorite Tarda – Morocco
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The Tarda meteorite is a carbonaceous chondrite (C2 - ungrouped), which fell in Morocco on 25 August 2020. Witnesses described a bright yellow fireball with greenish edges, accompanied by a whistling sound and several detonations. The first fragment was found the following day near the village of Tarda. In total, approximately 4 kg of material was collected, with individual pieces weighing from a few milligrams to 99 grams.

This meteorite belongs to a rare group of carbonaceous chondrites, and its composition suggests that it could come from the outer regions of the solar system. Scientists have compared it to other carbonaceous meteorites, such as Tagish Lake, and speculate on their common origin. The meteorite's brittle structure and low density means itis susceptible to rapid degradation when exposed to moisture. The interior of the meteorite is dark black with small light-coloured grains or inclusions that can be up to one millimetre in size.