Moldavite – Besednice Jezkovna – 3,1g
Locality: Besednice Jezkovna
Weight: 3,1g
Dimensions: 35 x 18 x 9 mm (25,4 mm = 1 inch)
Condition: Few small reflections
Category: | Besednice Jezkovna |
Locality: | Besednice Jezkovna |
Weight: | 3-5g |
The locality Besednice Jezkovna is one of the most famous moldavite localities. The moldavites from Jezkovna are famous for their unique, hedgehog-like sculpture, often resembling needles or thorns, which is why they are called ‘hedgehogs’. These unique forms were created by natural erosion processes and give these moldavites a distinctive look that makes them so popular with collectors. Due to their structure, the moldavites from Besednice Jezkovna are considered the most beautiful tektites in the world.
Moldavites from this locality are generally small, with pieces over 10 grams being rare and those over 20 grams extremely rare. The locality itself is also relatively small, with a length of about 250 metres and a maximum width of 80 metres.
Current situation
Jezkovna is now a closed and strictly protected area that has been declared a natural monument. Moldavites from this area are now usually only available through specialist retailers, which increases their collector's value.