
Moldavite is a natural acid silicate glass with a fluctuating elemental content of approximately: SiO2 78,81%, Al2O3 10,63%, K2O 2,62%, CaO 2,07%, MgO 1,85%, FeO 1,60%, Na2O 0,55%, TiO2 0,35%, Fe2O3 0,24%, MnO 0,05%.

Moldavite belongs to the tektites and was formed when a large meteorite impacted the Earth's surface in the German region, simultaneously melting the uppermost part of the Earth's surface. The impact is dated to about 14.6 million years ago. The Ries impact crater has a diameter of about 24 km and is located in Bavaria. Compared to normal rocks, the composition of the Moldavite corresponds to sandy clay.


Moldavite is coloured in various shades of green (rarely with a blue tinge) to brown. Individual pieces may be matt, glossy, glassy glossy to lacquered appearance. The shapes are varied. The disc (half disc), sphere, dumbbell, drop, oval or bar are considered to be so-called wholeshapes, that have retained their appearance since the time of impact. Less rare are so-called shards, where the original appearance cannot be determined. Moldavites contain bubbles ranging in size from tenths of a millimetre to centimetres. Characteristic are lechatelierites (amorphous SiO2).

The average weight is 5g, the largest piece weighs 265,5 g (Slavetice, Moravia).

The sculpture is exceptional, consisting of fine to larger elliptical to circular pits, grooves, notches and sharp protrusions. This effect is due to selective etching by weak acids contained in the sedimentary horizon. The resistant parts of each piece were preserved and dissolution occurred in the less resistant parts. During this process, the individual pieces may have broken apart, and the fracture surfaces show weaker sculpture.

Locations in the Czech Republic: the area of Ceske Budejovice (Besednice, Chlum, Locenice and many others), the area of Radomilice, Moravia (around Trebic and Znojmo), Cheb

Locations abroad: Germany, Slovakia, Poland, Austria

Possibility of mistaking: green glass - it does not contain lechatelierites and does not have natural sculpture. In imitations it is possible to recognize drilling or wax covering during etching, at the same time the density is different.

Astrology: Gemini

Chakras: heart, forehead and pate

Esoteric qualities: relieve oppressive memories, fantasies and fears of the future, promote clairvoyant and telepathic abilities, help to free oneself from material concerns, promote logic, combat high ego.

Health esoteric properties: helps in the treatment of infectious diseases, promotes the production of white blood cells and immunity, relieves respiratory problems, activates the nervous system, preventively slows down the formation of malignant tumors.

461970473 3814023448838610 813782535315053843 n
$1 349,52 excl. VAT
$1 632,92
Code: V1435
Moldavite – Krasejovka – 24,8g
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Moldavite – Kosov/Milikovice – 26g
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